Gabriela Mistral University Repository

The Gabriela Mistral University Library has developed the following Academic Repository in order to preserve, disseminate and make available the full-text contents of the academic production developed by the different actors in the academic and research field of the University.
The UGM University at the beginning of the year 2017 incorporated the UCINF University, also adding that collection where we find memories, theses, degree works, academic magazines, speeches, books, digital and sound files. Contact:

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dc.contributor.authorAndreucci Annunziata, Paola
dc.identifier.citationAkadèmeia V.10 N°1 agosto 2012 pp: 75 - 87es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl presente trabajo se constituye en una reflexión teórica sobre la formación de terapeutas en la instancia y el proceso de supervisión clínica en su doble carácter: como dispositivo formativo y terapéutico. Se repara en la relación entre supervisor y supervisado y en la trama interaccional de estilo discursivo que se genera entre ambos. Se discuten modelos que se focalizan en las funciones y el tipo de aprendizaje obtenido y privilegiado en el espacio de supervisión y, se plantea una propuesta basada en los conceptos de dispositivo y discurso pedagógico (Bernstein, 1975, 1985, 1999) actualizando e intencionando el aporte de la práctica dialógica reflexiva e introspectiva para su generación, develación y mantenimiento.es_ES
dc.description.abstractThis work constitutes a theoretical reflection on the training of therapists in the moment and prooess of clinical supervision in their dual nature: as training and therapeutic devices. Emphasis is placed on the relationship between supervisor and supenvised and on the interactive discursive patterns that are generated between them. We discuss models that focus on the functions and the type of leaming, both obtained and privileged, in the area of supervision and we present a proposal based on the concepts of device and pedagogic discourse (Bemstein, 1975, 1985, 1999) updating and intended to reflective and introspective dialogic practice for its generation, unveiling and maintenance.
dc.publisherUniversidad de Ciencias de la Informáticaes_ES
dc.rightsAttribution-NoDerivs 3.0 United States
dc.subjectSupervisión clínica
dc.subjectDispositivo pedagógico
dc.titleEl dispositivo pedagógico en la formación de terapeutas:es_ES
dc.title.alternativeUn aporte reflexivo a la supervisión clínicaes_ES
dc.title.alternativeThe pedagogic device in the training of therapists:es_ES
dc.title.alternativeA thoughtful contribution to the clinical supervisiones_ES

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Except where otherwise noted, this item's license is described as Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 United States