Gabriela Mistral University Repository

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Difusión para artistas emergentes

dc.contributor.advisorCortés Marquez, Francisco. Profesor guía
dc.contributor.authorMeneses Saavedra, Ignacio Alejandro
dc.contributor.authorOrtiz Sandoval, Carlos
dc.contributor.authorAguilar Lagos, Italo
dc.description.abstractLa presente tesis expone un análisis acerca de los músicos emergentes chilenos y los problemas que estos tienen para crecer y/o llegar a un mayor número de personas. Ademas, se detecté que actualmente existe un público que no escucha música chilena, lo que se debe principalmente a la poca difusión radial y a la poca informacion sobre dónde se difunde este tipo de musica. Por esta razon, se realizó una investigacion que buscaba dar una solucion a esta problemática y así poder satisfacer las necesidades tanto del publico como de los artistas. Se realizaron dos estudios, uno cuantitativo y otro cualitativo, por medio de una encuesta en Instagram, la cual expone diversas preguntas acerca de qué era lo que mas le gustaba a la gente de un video musical. Adicionalmente, se recabaron preguntas mas en profundidad en un grupo de estudio pequeño, a través de entrevistas individuales. En un inicio, este proyecto finalizaba con la creacion de un video musical animado para un artista chileno, pero luego se realizo una investigación referente a la realidad de la industria de la creacion de este tipo de videos en Chile. En relacion con lo anterior, se determino que en Chile no existe una industria especializada en la creacion/produccion de videos musicales animados.es_ES
dc.description.abstractThis thesis presents an analysis of emerging Chilean musicians and the problems they have growing and/or reaching to a greater number of people. In addition, it was detected that there is a part of the public that does not listen to Chilean music, which is mainly due to the low radial diffusion and the lack of information on where this type of music is broadcasted. For this reason, an investigation was carried out that sought to provide a solution to this problem and thus be able to satisfy the needs of both the public and the artists. Two studies were carried out, one quantitative and one qualitative, through an lnstagram survey, which presented various questions about what people liked the most about a music video. Additionally, more in-depth questions were given to a small study group, through individual interviews. Initially, this project was going to end with the creation of an animated music video for a Chilean artist, but then an investigation was carried out regarding the reality of the industry of creating this type of video in Chile. due to the above, it was determined that in Chile there is no industry specialized in the creation/production of animated music videos. Taking this into account, the decision was made to create a production company dedicated to the production of animated music videos for Chilean artists as a solution to the lack of companies dedicated to this activity. The team worked in collaboration with a digital magazine called Musik&Mas, dedicated to promoting Chilean music. In this way, it was possible to find an artist with whom it was possible to work throughout the video creation process carried out by the aforementioned production company. KEYWORDS: Chile, diffusion, artists, animated.
dc.description.sponsorshipProyecto de título. Licenciado en Animación y diseño digital. Universidad Gabriela Mistral. Escuela de Arquitectura, Diseño y Artes Digitaleses_ES
dc.publisherUniversidad Gabriela Mistral. Escuela de Arquitectura, Diseño y Artes Digitaleses_ES
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States*
dc.subjectIndustria musicales_ES
dc.titleDani Mokár al vacíoes_ES
dc.titleDifusión para artistas emergentes

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