Soto Ayala, Roberto Andrés
La modesta historia personal de Basilio I contrasta con la grandeza de su gobierno desde
el trono de Constantinopla. Sus aciertos en materia de política exterior e interior y su
preocupación por la formación de sus hijos, sientan las bases para la consolidación de la
dinastía Macedónica y fortalecen la posición del imperio en el concierto internacional.
El discurso admonitorio dedicado a su heredero León, inserto en la tradición retórica
de los “Espejos de Príncipe”, constituye una de las principales fuentes para el estudio
de la teoría política de la época y de la historia bizantina en general. La relación del
ascenso al trono y la gestión gubernamental de Basilio I, el problema de la autoría
de su discurso parenético y las líneas principales de su teoría política, conforman los
temas principales expuestos en el presente artículo.
Palabras clave
Basilio I - Focio - El Príncipe - Espejos de Príncipe - teoría política bizantina.
The modest personal history of Basil I offers a contrast with the greatness of his government
from the throne of Constantinople. An adequate foreign and internal policy and his concern
for the upbringing of his children established the foundations for the consolidation of the
Macedonian dynasty and strengthened the imperial position in the international sphere.
The admonition speech dedicated to his heir, Leon, inserted in the rhetorical tradition of
the “Mirrors for Princes” is one of the main sources for the study of political theory in that
period and of byzantine history in general. The description of his arrival to the throne and
the government of Basil I, the problem of authorship of his parenethical speech and the main
streams of his political theory are the principal themes presented in this article.
Basil I - Photios - The Prince - Mirrors for Princes - byzantine political theory
The modest personal history of Basil I offers a contrast with the greatness of his government from the throne of Constantinople. An adequate foreign and internal policy and his concern for the upbringing of his children established the foundations for the consolidation of the
Macedonian dynasty and strengthened the imperial position in the international sphere. The admonition speech dedicated to his heir, Leon, inserted in the rhetorical tradition of the “Mirrors for Princes” is one of the main sources for the study of political theory in that
period and of byzantine history in general. The description of his arrival to the throne and the government of Basil I, the problem of authorship of his parenethical speech and the main
streams of his political theory are the principal themes presented in this article.